By Anonymous - 12/06/2012 11:58 - United States - Gorham

Today, my grandmother saw me for the first time in years. "Not all your clothes have to be as tight as condoms, you tramp," is probably the nicest greeting she's ever given me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 309
You deserved it 9 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grandparents. They say the truth, even if it hurts.

At least she acknowledged you....unlike mine :/ baby steps, OP


Best insult I've heard for a while, might use that.

mizuki123 8

She sounds nice... At least you don't live with her or see her often. I had a friend who lives with her grandma that is not very nice,

Are you daft? How do you get 'nice' from that?

BehindU 5
mizuki123 8

It's called sarcasm.. Maybe you should try it sometime.

darwinismisalive 3

Just making up for how loose her skin is?

Spit on her and say "Ooppps, sorry. My condom just broke". That sucks OP. FYL

Whoosh! That went right over you head 28. Get a sense of humor.

And I was taught by my ELDERLY GRANDMA that age is no excuse for bad behavior. And to get respect you got to give it.

fishboy123 7

she sounds like a lovely lady, you sound like a tramp

Awww but that's not how meemas should be! They should call you moonpie and ask if you want another cookie :(

Because they're nummy nummy and they could just eat you up?

Sheldon is that you? Do you need me to sing you soft kitty?

Yes, please. This FML upset me so much :(

mariah_victoria 0

Spongebob o.o I called that.

Shadow_Phantom 26

*sigh* Old people, more often than not, are such prudes... FYL.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Well, look at the time in which they grew up. (being honest and sincere, not disrespectful)

Age is no excuse for bad behavior. Wisdom from my grandma! :)

How did I get "rude puddles" from "prudes"?! I need some sleep...

tony1891 22

and you don't have to be wrinkled as a pug. Oh wait. maybe she does. lol

Chandler1Bing 0

That's why the lady is a tramp.