By Stuck - 12/02/2014 18:25 - United States - Evans

Today, my house is on lockdown. I recently moved to Georgia from Rhode Island to be with my boyfriend. The state is on high alert for an ice storm. I'm stuck inside with my terrified boyfriend, who's calling it "the storm of the century". I used to walk to school in this weather. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 714
You deserved it 5 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unwantedforlife 14

That sucks for all of us from the north but to be fair, they are not used to any type of snow or ice

CallMeWindSock 24

And in the north, 50 degrees is T-Shirt weather!


ThatInvisibleBoy 7

I live in Louisiana. We recently got 1 or 2 inches of snow and a little ice and every school in the state shut down, including universities, and most jobs and there were curfews everywhere. We're not prepared for it because it NEVER happens. we never get snow or ice so we don't have the right precautions ready. Probably the same thing, they just aren't prepared for it.

skittyskatbrat 19

that's why, if you're not prepared for it, you make sure you don't get stuck out in it! Stay home, or if you go the weather forecasts for when it will start coming down and give yourself plenty of leeway. Only the people with $%##@$%^ for bosses or jobs that are really necessary (EMT, Nurses, etc.) should be out at all.

Looks like you got yourself a whimpy man.

I live in Colorado and recently got 30in. of snow. the only thing that stopped us going to school was the police. the snow was no problem though

wow the state goes on lockdown fir a little storm meanwhile up here in canada school still runs even if u are snowed in, cant se 1 ft infront of you ,-50*C omg thats not fair

I know some of the schools in my area won't close in case some of the kids made their way to school. That way they aren't locked out and freeze. I remember going to school in snow storms and we'd get pizza lunch or something and watch movies... I don't think that counts as class still running.

You should move to San Diego... people die here when it rains.

Even though it is the south, they should be more prepared for things like this.

Why should we buy all that expensive equipment when we will rarely use it? I agree that we should prepare more but we only get snow like this about once every 5 years or so. The cost of the equipment and the upkeep on that equipment isn't worth it to only use it every 5 years or so.

117 - Sounds like "once every 5 years" has become "twice a month." Time for a change?

I hear you, I'm from Georgia, but this is completely freaking underwhelming, we drove around most of the day yesterday, today we stayed in but only because we knew nothing would be open and we're running low on gas

It's definitely NOT an overreaction, especially given the disaster from two weeks ago. The snow isn't even expected to begin until later this evening here, but all we've gotten so far today is sleet and freezing rain, which has left nothing but pure ice on the roads. Ice>snow.

This has been the most enlightening FML comment section about where everyone lives and how people in those areas deal with snow...