By anonymous - 08/06/2011 06:55 - United States

Today, my husband and I got married. The only thing that is different so far is that he now thinks that it's okay to shit with the door open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 011
You deserved it 8 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shift_love 13

well it is ok cause now his shit is your shit and your shit is his shit

thebestof1984 0

If that's the only thing that's changed in your marriage, consider yourself lucky!


it should be ok to shit with the door open before you get married!

bkutz 0

To all those who think it's okay to stop being respectful to your significant other after you married them: Festering pile of disgusting slobs. You never deserved to find love in the first place, let alone get married. And liars; for you, engagement was just a façade, you gave them a false image of yourselves just so you could have sex with them. What the heck do you think is to be married? Yay! You got married, honeymoon is over, now what? You've got someone who loves you, and you do what? Go back to being the festering, disgusting trash you were before you decided to seduce that person and ruin their life? You all make me barf. Either get the damn bathroom door closed while you're taking a dump, or eat the contents of my stomach.

Sit down and watch some Benny Hill. That will help you.

blondiethel 0

Calm down... no need to get angry at random people on the Internet.

#102 Yeah, because suitors are the only people in life that will ever lie to you. Love isn't some untouchable category where you should stop subjecting people to prudent scrutiny. Liars lie; and they aren't about to be shamed out of it. Be your own advocate, don't rely on others' consideration for your interests. Also, context and degree. If we take this FML at it's literal word -"Today"- this has happened once, maybe twice, hopefully not three times. It's not a reliable indication of the future, and it's certainly not as if he suggested before that he is the Duke of Winchester, and it turned out he was really a carnival worker. He wanted to shit with the door open, didn't ask if it was cool, it wasn't. The End. Nothing about that indicates a diabolical plan where this girls' estimation of a mate was based on ******** with the door closed or open and he shrouded his true nature. This isn't worthy of getting as pissed as you apparently are. Chill out. Sorry for the long comment everyone on apps.

richardcard82 5
sxe_beast 11

my boyfriend always ***** with the door open

suck it up, smell his shit and go make him a sammich...

Ambrielle 0

...wait, it's not socially acceptable to shit with the door open? Too bad.