By demk - 20/08/2009 14:51 - United States

Today, my husband and I were in bed, and just as I was about to finish he screamed, "Oh shit! It's 4:15, my strawberries are gonna whither!!!!" and then jumped off me and went to check on his farm on FarmVille. An imaginary farm, on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 846
You deserved it 8 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lolatflyingducks 0

Clearly, you have never played Farmville.

chadhilliard67 0

haha, lets hope his strawberrys didnt whither


I play this game. It's fun. It's not that fun. That is absolutely never ok. I refuse to believe that sex with him can be particularly enjoyable if he's able to remember that his strawberries are withering in imaginary land. So just be glad you had a concrete reason for not getting off? Good luck. What an ass.

palatapus 0

if you are reading this I would just like to say thank you, good nightcm, merry kwanzakuhmas, and testicles.

As if he got strawberries! Strawberries suck. Tell him to get something that takes longer to grow next time, like artichokes, so that he can happily have sex, safe in the knowledge that they won't wither for 4 days.

LMFAOOO THIS SHIT IS SOOOO FUNNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY OMGGG hahahahhaha but seriously strawberries suck dick that guy is like on level one what a nub

I actually just submitted an FML not even 5 minutes ago about farmville. My mom tried to kick me off the computer when I was trying to do my university homework so she could harvest her crops. What a tard.

Tell him to play Country Story! Those things never wither.

nicolexsmile 0

okay what is with people and farmville? cause my facebook homepage is like spammed with it. regardless, your husband made by day. :)

hevyrobbie 0

I Would only do that if it was World of Warcraft :D But not facebook crap... OP: Lose the Zero and get with a WoW Hero :D

wickedgrl13 0

I'd take Farmville over WoW anyday. Have fun being a fairy XD

csdthegreat 0

Is this... the EXACT wording of the one about MouseHunt, EVEN THE TIME BEING 4:15, except MouseHunt is replaced with FarmVille?