By countryblumpkin - 01/08/2013 18:06 - United States - Grand Rapids

Today, my husband begged me to go down on him while he sat on the toilet, taking a crap. He tried to convince me that we'd both somehow experience mind-blowing orgasms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 094
You deserved it 7 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So so so disgusting... And unhygienic.

Black_Rose97 9

well isnt that a load of crap... anyone?


The sad thing is that there is actually a name for this 'sex act' & people actually enjoy it.I don't understand

This is the world now. Prepare yourselves, the worst is yet to come.

I'd like to agree, but not one person in this world has asked me to give them a blumpkin.. Sure, someone could now just for "***** and giggles" but that is still not the world. :/

Martinez0285 28

its all ***** and giggles until someone giggles and *****

I'm not sure you would experience a mind blowing ******, but definitely mindblowing smell....

That's all I keep thinking about is the awful smell and sounds she must have experienced....*shudders*

Right, I'm also wondering if OP actually went through with it or not. lol

Right! There is no way I would ever....I don't care how much I "love" someone, no blumpkins for this chick lol

Mind blowing in two different ways- his with the joy of release. You from disgust and horror! If you do it, OP, whatever you do DON'T look down!! DON'T look down!!!

It's more of a power thing like rimming lol

The phrase "Stoop to my loo my darling" is being taken quite literally and full advantage of in this situation...