By countryblumpkin - 01/08/2013 18:06 - United States - Grand Rapids

Today, my husband begged me to go down on him while he sat on the toilet, taking a crap. He tried to convince me that we'd both somehow experience mind-blowing orgasms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 094
You deserved it 7 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So so so disgusting... And unhygienic.

Black_Rose97 9

well isnt that a load of crap... anyone?


Do it, OP and your hubby will be singing "Plop, plop, ****, ****, oh what a relief it is!!" At least you'll be near the toilet when you vomit in wretched horror and disgust!!

Any woman willing to do this, would have to truly love the guy.

kayteakay 26

I truly live my husband, we've been through some horrible thing and I STILL wouldn't do this. Plus he's respectful enough not to ask.

A woman who would agree to that has no self-respect and needs therapy. A guy who would ask for it should be divorced.

"Love stinks-- yeah yeah (Love stinks)"

Obey_StudBoii 23

That is so gross... I wouldn't want my girlfriend/wife even in the same room when I'm taking a crap. Nothing is less sexy. Some guys get excited by the strangest things.

Like their girlfriend farting on their lap..

Brando23 13

Here's what you do. Kiss him

lazygirlWOW 9