By Scarlett - 26/04/2011 17:28 - United States

Today, my husband got out of the shower, came downstairs naked screaming ''EMBRACE THE HARDNESS!!'' Little did he know, my step mother was sitting right there at the kitchen table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 654
You deserved it 6 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DarkHelmet 10

Your husband is awesome. Your step mom is probably jealous now

Tell your step mother thats her cue to leave unless she wants to help with "embracing" his hardness.


mileyfan17 8
jinxthejinx 0

This is the exact reason why I would take 2 seconds to tell my husband while he's in the shower that someone is over. I would expect the same of him. YTDI, OP.

haha best line ever!! your husband kicks ass and your clearly lame....

wouldn't your step mother be his mother... in which case she's seen it all before. but yeah, sti pretty embarrasing lol ... funnay

rrrmmmvvv 0

The op said step mom not mother-in-law.

Man people really need to learn the difference between stepmother and mother in law:/

Time2spare 0

You have to wonder what the step mother was thinking when all this was happening...

if it's your stepmother, isn't it his mom?

SpectSelf 0

no sir....or ma'am. that would be mother in law.

mother in law is his mother, step mother being wifes stepmother (due to her father remarrying) so no not his mother

SpectSelf 0

maybe he knew she was there and thought you were gone. this is a set up for a bad soft core **** on skinimax.

Must be awful to have a playful, spontaneous husband.