By Sabraynay - 28/09/2011 06:47

Today, my mom instructed me to never scream when being attacked by a rapist. Apparently it would only anger him, causing him to chop my boobs off and superglue my eyes shut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 034
You deserved it 3 300

Same thing different taste


megamandude455 10

What the hell kind of mother is that????

Demonyx 6

She forgot to add always carry a knife but don't bring it out till the guy's completely distracted, and keep it sharp

The language she used was chosen quite poorly, but actually that is true. A lot of rapists/murderers have already admitted to killing their victims because they were screaming and thus causing their rapist to panic.

Omg that is like worse possible out come shit!!! Ur mom is too worried... ~__~