By Sabraynay - 28/09/2011 06:47

Today, my mom instructed me to never scream when being attacked by a rapist. Apparently it would only anger him, causing him to chop my boobs off and superglue my eyes shut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 034
You deserved it 3 300

Same thing different taste


chloeeXD 0

And don't say Don't and Stop within 45 seconds of eachother because he could use that against you!

Oh wow, this is the complete opposite of a laughable topic but I have to admit I did laugh only because.....what?! Where did that come from?! and the way it was worded...oh dear

Mom has been reading Silence of the Lambs.

yenidewi 11

Well for gods sake, i hope u dont listen to ur mom´s. What is true, they say that if u dont defend yourself, they can get bored or whatever so to leave you alone. But i guess just thinking about it and not going to places where this might happen, is a better defence than not screaming and let him glue your eyes...

EmilyXPatricia 4

someone's been watching criminal minds...

Actually, what you should never do is yell, "Rape!" Yell fire instead. People are more likely to get involved when they think they're in immediate danger, and not just some random stranger.