By Thebestman123 - 05/08/2011 02:45 - United States

Today, my mom was screaming at me and said, "I wish I'd never adopted you." I guess I'm adopted then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 097
You deserved it 3 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that's when you yell "I WISH YOU NEVER ADOPTED ME TOO, BITCH!"


bwenduh45 7

Should've been like, "I wish I wasn't adopted by a stupid cold bitch!"

Hoooolllyyy crap. That's a lot to take in in the middle of an argument

I_Told_YouSo 5

"You're adopted.. Your parents don't even love you." -Peter La Fleur (Dodgeball).. Too soon?.. Sorry though, OP!

That's never okay to say... No matter what the circumstance.


At least your not related to that bitch.

supermankisses 1

I kinda feel like you're high fiving 30, in a strange, gay sort of manner lol

fadingfaith 4

Is there a problem with that.....

Epsilonyx 15
kelsey_katie 17

Seriously? Why? I agree with 41.

Epsilonyx 15

what are you guys talking about? o.o