By Yeoman - 19/11/2011 07:47 - New Zealand

Today, my mother looked me dead in the face and said, "I have failed as a parent." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 227
You deserved it 7 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IKickPuppiesHard 16

Look her dead in the face and say "This wouldnt be the case if you hadn't failed to use a condom".


hateevryone 14
black_martin 1

Don't worry about it, my dad has said it numerous times! And to be honest, he couldn't have done a better job

ninjabird1 0

At least she admits it... My mom fails at parenting and she thinks she's great.

duhabbs 0

I feel like there is more to the story.

I'm sure there is more to the story and she probably had a good reason....but now days a lot of people are failing as a parent...usually cuz they are still kids themselves.

angelgrl01 0
Battle765 4

My mom said this to me once I told her she should have spent the 75 cents on a condom and we wouldn't be in this situation.