By poop towel - 15/09/2011 19:43 - United States

Today, my new roommate moved in. It seems that instead of using toilet paper like a normal human being, she instead opts to use the nearest towel in reach. I found this out when I went to dry off with mine after a shower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 632
You deserved it 2 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

enonymous 8

It adds volume and body and gives your hair definite character

SlimShady167 3

Haha what the ****? That's gross:/ Sorry OP, FYL


doogy15 11

So you didn't smell it in the first place or even see a brown smudge on it when you grabbed it? YDI

Read the fml, "went to dry off with mine after a shower" there is a big possibility that the op's bathroom was steamy, had water in his/her eyes, or is nearsighted and the op's first thing to do was grab his/her towel. also the shit stain could be on the other side of the towel, where he/she couldnt see it.

yes YDI, you should be constantly paranoid and check every inch of everything you touch for the rest of your life....oh wait no thats stupid...

The OP never said that she actually dried with it, only that she 'went to' which implies that she did notice the smudge when she grabbed the towel.

Yes 16, because it's very common for there to be poop on bath-towels...

doogy15 11

Before you get in the smell will still be there and pretty strong if it's been sitting there for a while.

But if a bathroom smells a bit shitty you assume it's from the toilet

I hope you jumped right back into the shower when you had that figured out. FYL

nikkon416 13

No, OP walked around all day smelling of shit.

Bekavera 4

That is so ******* nasty!!! Kick her ass out!!!

you know what to do next time you take a shit

thiscrazything 1

That is gross, and grounds for dismissal, throw him out and get a new room mate, in the meantime, hide your toothbrush!

yoshivar2002 0

Some cultures don't use toilet paper, don't be a biggot.

They use their left hands, not towels belonging to other people. also learn to spell bigot.

Slhruman 4

That is fine, but the roommate shouldn't have used her towel, THEN put it back. She should have had her own towel and kept it contained

thrAsHeRr9081 16

I don't know why, but "dirtball" made me crack up. Thanks!

not to sound like a redneck but when you go to another country (America in this case) you try to agony their ways of culture, at-least the big ones like this, tipping and shaking hands rather than kissing or hugging

qhostred 0

Well that stinks.thats really a shitty least they don't know you "log" in and submit your story and expose what a crappy roommate they are