By Anonymous - 16/02/2010 20:48 - United States

Today, my pet rat had babies. We've only ever owned one rat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 719
You deserved it 6 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Serafie 0

Misread the FML as "rabies" and was confused for a long time until I read the comments.


texasmadeG 0

maybe shes not pregnant but really fat. thts how my cousins dog and they thought she was pregnant..she ended up dieing cuz of some worms in her stomache..poor doggy:/ you mean really? Because rely makes no sense.

To have only one rat is cruel, here its even illigal. And hey, you paid for one got.. 15? thats a win-win.

kennycullenXD 0

lmao there was probably another rat in the house o.O

Rats are very clean and affectionate pets

headupinthclouds 0

My rat had 8 babies after we got her and it has been so mush fun watching them get bigger so fast. The babies go from barily walking to climbing on everything in just 5 weeks. And that is also the time u want to seperate the boys and the girls or u will have more rats to take care of.

MathieuCardy 0

Duh, most things make good pets if you train them. It's no different from having a hamster, except it's less boring.