By Anonymous - 16/02/2010 20:48 - United States

Today, my pet rat had babies. We've only ever owned one rat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 718
You deserved it 6 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Serafie 0

Misread the FML as "rabies" and was confused for a long time until I read the comments.


that's WTF you get for keeping vermin as a pet

emilybock 0
buttshapedfruit 0
Hermyoni 0

Wow I just learned all about rat babies quite interesting. One thing is for sure momma rat can get pregnant immediately after birth so you might want to look into getting an aquarium style cage. You might be able to get her spayed but it's costly. Also after 5 weeks you have to separate males and females because they will get it on.

Well, the rat may possibly have been pregnant when you got it. With working at a pet store, I know that sometimes, they come pregnant to the pet store from the supplier. Also hamsters can hold on to sperm for months..They may do that too..One of my hamsters did that...

Just because your rat can get some before you can doesn't mean you have to complain on FML about it.

Thunderbender 2

Why do we always turn to Asian children to kill our pets? Those jobs should go to hard working EuthinAmerica, Those kids deserve it.

Thunderbender, you just became my favorite person EVER. :)

*most favorite... apparently I'm still learning how to form a sentence. LOL

Melkezidech 0

********** is win, unless the horses dick is nine inches long and ruptures your intestines causing to die a horrible, painful death.......I mean "I saw rabies too"

I don't know what the big deal Is rats are cool

You should use punctuation. It's not that difficult. Jeez.

lol, oh don't tell me...(in regards to your user name)

Thunderbender 2

The only thing more annoying than bad grammar is a sandy ******'d grammar nazi who feels the need to reprimand someone for the most minor mistakes.