By Shameful - 18/01/2012 19:57 - United States

Today, my school's 6'2, 270-pound, 375-pound bench-pressing football superstar knocked me unconscious in one hit. With a dodgeball. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 853
You deserved it 3 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loller27 6

You have to know the 5 D's of dodgeball. Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball...


GoW_Chick 14

I always thought Dodgeball was fixed, there are always those people who are trying to hurt someone on purpose, because they are jerks, and get away with it because it was an "accident."

lilwojo13 6

That's kinda the point of dodgeball in the first place...

GoW_Chick 14

I meant fixed as in athletic against the not so athletic, and when people go over board with it and severely hurt someone, I do realize the point of dodgeball is to throw a ball at the other team, but that doesn't mean you have to put all your power behind it and be a jerk.

Well atheletic activities tend to lean toward the side of the atheletically inclined, hence "atheletic"

GoW_Chick 14

You know what nevermind, I should of just made a joke involving Vince vaungh and Ben Stiller, or OP dodging wrenches, instead of giving my opinion, my bad, I'll remember that next time.

DAMN RIGHT YOU WILL 115!!!! :) nah but I understand where you're coming from. Then again people can choose not to play.

melibear89 7

115- don't get so bent outta shape because people are arguing a point. It'll make you a target for harassment. I understand what your saying the more athletic tend to throw harder at the non- athletic and try to sometimes really hurt them. OP I'm sorry that happened you.

GoW_Chick 14

218- I wasn't really getting bent out of shape over it, I was just making an observation about how people react differently toward jokes than opinions, and I don't care if that makes me a target, actually some people can be quite funny on here with said "harassment."

Dang.. Did anyone catch the ball after it hit you so he got out? If so, way to be a team player!

Think on the bright side, you caught up on sleep!

kahru1 9

I hope you're in college... either way, that guy's pretty big

I'm 6'2 190 as a highschool sophomore, although my bench weight sucks, and there is a 6'3 300 sophomore on my football team as well who benches around 250-275.

Lifes a bitch. What can i tell ya. But think bout it this way. In the real world if ur a "loser nerd" ull be his boss.

I'd rather it be a dodgeball then getting sacked by him in football..