By Anonymous - 23/08/2009 23:00 - United States

Today, my son hit my husband's shop-vac while pulling into the garage too fast. He was grounded for 3 days. Later, while trying to demonstrate how to park safely, I hit my husband in his happy sacks with the mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 912
You deserved it 39 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

conan6 0

YDI for using the phrase "happy sacks"

letitbe56 0

YDI for grounding your son for something that could have happened to anybody.


Kay_Ell_Dee 0

Lol.Gotta love the term " Happy Sacks.". Cracks me up everytime I hear it.

Haha this is just so retarded... Why would you ground him for this? ******* idiotic, is that your answer to everything? Grounding him?

2345_fml 0

I dont know if this really happened. I was moderating some stories and came upon this exact story but in the husbands point of view.

moonlight_daze 8

Fail. Oh, and YDI for being such a tyrant.

If you hit him in the balls with the mirror, then it's probably because he was standing too close to the car. In that case, he deserves it.

nanoflacka 0

Today my wife hit me in the nuts with a mirror.

silverx10 0

I dunno how you even managed to pull that one off, honestly. As previous commenters have said, he would've had to be standing pretty near the car; VERY near. Like, the exact right spot. As the saying goes, the sheer mechanics of it are mind-boggling. And then of course, you'd have to be going way faster than you should've been for it to cause any real amount of pain, in which case, you suck at parking. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.