By Gurior - 16/04/2013 17:44 - Canada
By Gurior - 16/04/2013 17:44 - Canada
you poor soul
If you really loved your girlfriend you would wait until she's more comfortable. It's going to be hard but she'll open up eventually.
You deserve a cow's penis up your ass, you human **** stain. I hope your balls atrophy into gangrenous pockets.
Maybe she want SM or something.
First of all you should respect her wishes if you actually love her, second of all why the hell are you comparing a vet palpating a pregnant cow to sex???? No relationship between the two....
Pretty sure you just compared sex to a cows ass
How are the two even comparable? -.-
A cow isn't going to judge her if she ***** it up on the first try. (Or even every now and again)
Respect her values dude, if you love her enough you will wait. And loosing her virginity is much different than her job.
well, you can't get pregnant from a cow's ass