By redeye - 19/09/2011 05:03 - United States

Today, my younger brother decided it would be funny to put rubbing alcohol in my contact lens case while I had them soaking overnight. I didn't realize this until I put the first one in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 678
You deserved it 2 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm trying not to imagine the pain. Besides your brother not only being a complete idiot and not understanding general knowledge of house hold chemicals, you should introduce him to rubbing alcohol's couson ;hydrogen peroxide on a nice open wound.

Ambush him by placing two mousetraps just below his balls on his bed while he is sleeping, attach the trap to a string, to a pulley in the ceiling, and then finally tape the string to hid eyelids. The trap will go off once he opens his eyes in the morning, sweet ironic revenge


cupcakesnpot 9

No No No, not a tampon soaked in water, but a tampon soaked in cherry kool-aid!

olpally 32

I say knock him out with chloroform in a towel and draw all over his face in permanent marker and leave him outside with no clothes... Perfect revenge... :D

tmmundy 17

op will have to let us know how she gets revenge on the little shit. my brother was the same way until I chased him with the butter knife, yea I know, but I was 8, but he left me alone...lmao

Get some deep heat and rub it on the inside of his boxos (rugby trick we love to do).

Someone needs to get Nair mixed into his shampoo or some strong laxative mixed into his beer.

17, If you were able to do that in the time it takes the cop to pull him over and to walk to the car, we would be able to get out if anything (hide phones if pulled over for that, put seat-belts on if not wearing...)

Ow. Revenge, and be careful of anything that involves you sleeping and such, because that little punk seems to know when to strike.

Brooding99 15

Wow, usually I am amused by others issues on here... But damn fyl, that could have some serious lasting effects :(