By redeye - 19/09/2011 05:03 - United States

Today, my younger brother decided it would be funny to put rubbing alcohol in my contact lens case while I had them soaking overnight. I didn't realize this until I put the first one in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 688
You deserved it 2 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm trying not to imagine the pain. Besides your brother not only being a complete idiot and not understanding general knowledge of house hold chemicals, you should introduce him to rubbing alcohol's couson ;hydrogen peroxide on a nice open wound.

Ambush him by placing two mousetraps just below his balls on his bed while he is sleeping, attach the trap to a string, to a pulley in the ceiling, and then finally tape the string to hid eyelids. The trap will go off once he opens his eyes in the morning, sweet ironic revenge


25: My eye doctor told me its not necessary to rinse them off with my type of contacts. She said I only had to soak them at night.

Brooding99 15

Had some serious sib-wars before... But after alcohol in the contacts, the only reprisal worthy of such would be a tazer shot to the nuts. I wear contacts and I cannot think how bad that would hurt. So, yes. Sib-war on.

perdix 29

Put shards of glass in his crystal meth. That's be funny.

Who said he was on meth? Maybe coke? Or weed?

48- No no, please continue you haven't killed it yet.

This must be a bad prank gone horribly wrong if even Cinn is suggesting revenge. Just remember, revenge is a dish best served cold. So lock him in a freezer.

I've learnt too much from Kay, clearly. Also, why can't I help but think your pic might make a good revenge plan? :P

ikickgingers 15

How did the alcohol not dissolve your contActs??? *Ponders*

I know how you feel, my mother decided to disinfect my case with bleach, I found this out the next day putting in my lenses...

Maybe dumb statement, but couldn't you smell the alcohol? Ydi.

ReynshineCutting 10

Nobody deserves this. That's like saying someone deserves it if their house burns down because a mouse chewed through some electrical wiring in the wall and they didn't check all the wiring constantly.