By shit_fer_luck - 16/12/2014 16:35 - United States - West Lafayette

Today, someone backed straight into my car as I was hunting for a parking spot. I just got my car back from the body shop after a hit-and-run. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 615
You deserved it 2 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully this time you were able to get a license plate. EDIT: Well crap.

He doesn't need a new car unless it was completely totaled.


That's ok, 2 years ago I almost got ran off the side of the highway by a snowplow driver who wasn't paying attention, who then proceed to spray gravel out as I was still behind them.

shit_fer_luck 8

Greetings all, I am the OP of this FML. I am a graduate student at a large university in the mid-west, and I park in a student lot on campus. Both incidents happened in this particular parking lot. I have seen a lot of careless driving here, and unfortunately I have experienced some of it first hand. First, the hit-and-run: I came out after a particularly shitty day in the lab to find a giant scrape from the front fender to the back bumper where this ass-wipe hit my parked car. As luck would have it, an eye witness approached me in the lot and gave me a solid description of the culprit. Of course, a police report was filed. I took it upon myself to troll the lots for this bastard (because, well, cops are lazy and I was pissed). I found him about a week later in the same lot. He saw me waiting by my car and took off on foot. The cops eventually got him. He has some nice court fees and community service to fulfill plus random drug tests. His insurance covered the cost of the repairs (about $3000). The back-up and smash: I was driving in the same parking lot, looking for a parking space when this girl backed out right into my front fender. I hit my horn as soon as I saw her coming, but she still made contact. I now have a nice hole in my fender. Since this isn't my first rodeo, I left my car parked right behind her until the police officer arrived. She willing gave her contact information, and I got a plate number. She was parked next to a big SUV, so I believe that she didn't have a great visual for the oncoming traffic. My poor, poor car :(

iAmPaul 49

Oh. THAT kind of hit-and-run. I was under the impression that you ran someone over and drove off!

Haha me too. I was kinda like, welllll if you run someone over with your car and take off... Bound to have it come back around sometime. But no, sounds like a case of double whammy shit luck.

"keep distance" should be labelled on the back

tingtingmeg 12

Well there's two things in common with both of those accidents and it's you. Maybe you aren't paying attention like you should be. Only people I know that have been in multiple accidents are the ones that don't watch where they are going. I am sorry about the hit and run though.

shit_fer_luck 8

I am not entirely sure how the hit and run on my PARKED car is my fault. I was completely within my parking space. The second incident was just bad luck. The girl was parked next to a large SUV and could not see to back up properly. I sounded my horn as soon as I saw her coming, but it was too late.