By Fatty - 27/12/2009 07:15 - United States

Today, the guy I've had a crush on came over to my house. My Dad came in to see how we we're doing, looks at me and says "Man... You've REALLY been puttin' on the pounds!", pokes me in the stomach a few times, and leaves. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 495
You deserved it 4 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's your dads job to make sure your never having sex in your life.


lol your dad is worse then Peter Griffin... sry for ya Meg

robertsk89 0

awww he's just trying to protect you. but I would also be pretty pissed. how did your crush react?????

Rainkicksu 0

Wow, I woulda been pissed. FYL

terriibabiiix23 0

lmfao ! you have a cooool dad (:

great! we are up to 20 comments without a reply, keep up the good work

sayy 0

that sounds like something my dad would do,

Skull_300 0

Did you tell him to go **** himself?

element7 0

lmao thats a great dad. obviously his way of letting you know he's around..he didnt kick the guy out, and it was funny.. you're mad now, but will probably realize the awsome later in life

Father WIN! Isn't it obvious he's trying to get your 'crush' to not want to be with you? He's just not good at it yet, but still a win.