By Nikki - 15/10/2009 01:47 - Canada

Today, this guy and I went on a date to the movies. We got up to the desk and I asked for one ticket for 'Jennifer's Body.' The guy moved his way in front of me and said, "make that two tickets." He then walked away to look at movie posters and left me with the $22.50 charge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 240
You deserved it 6 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the real problem is you actually paid to see jennifers body

And you paid? Why would you pay? Tell them "No. I just want one ticket." Don't take that shit, damn it.


do the same thing when you go to get popcorn.

Mx_Rider 6

honestly, i dont know why girls fall for douches like that, youknow theres nice guys out there like my self -____-

mcsnelly 5

uh this was a first date...Why are you blaming her for dating a jerk when she probably doesn't even know him very well?

/If/ I'd stayed after that I'd've changed it to one ticket and maybe even picked a diff movie and just walked into said movie without a word to him. That guys so not worth your time trying to do it like that... if he'd asked you to get the ticket and offered to get the snacks and drinks that'd be one thing but to just assume like he did and then walk off... um no. I have no prob as a girl going dutch, or paying at times for both people but not like that, that's just rude and scheming imho... I'd never be able to trust that person enough for another date certainly. Just one movie ticket cost but what will it be the next time?

yourkiddingright_fml 0

If you paid then you are a fool!

You deserve it for letting him get away with that. I would have said, "No - ONE ticket." and let him fend for himself. Asshole.

What the **** is wrong with paying for his ticket?? OP, quit being a whiny bitch.

Wow, asshole, the problem wasn't that she was paying for him. It's how ******* rude he was about it.

What I don't get is that if you're on a date why did you ask for ONE ticket? That was pretty rude to begin with.

mcsnelly 5

Because plenty of people go dutch on dates...they each pay for their own so there's not just one person left with the cost.

Prawn_fml 2

Should arrange that stuff in advance, methinks. If he was the one asking you out, that's plain rude of him. If you asked him out, I woulda gotten two to start with, myself, but it's not really in good form for him to act like that.

If you were thinking you were going dutch and he moved up and said "no two" you should have said "no, just one." and not paid for two. Now if it wasn't clear up front then what's the big deal in paying for his ticket?

I would pay to see Megan fox walk out of a lake naked (uncensored version) and then later on make out with another ****** having human being. So on this date before all this happened you were under the impression that you had to pay for your own ticket? what kind of a date is that? was this like your 1st date?