By dangerZone - 27/02/2013 16:43 - United States - Statesboro

Today, trying to be nice, I sat with the lonely kid at lunch. While eating, he started laughing and showed me his hit list. I was at the top. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 097
You deserved it 5 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments


vadaaa 11

Tell someone. Do all you can to prevent any possible tragedy this kid may cause. I couldn't imagine the guilt of people getting hurt because you didn't tell anyone about it. Please tell someone, OP.

There has to be a reason why OP is on the top of the "hit list". Only one side of the story Is being told. For all we know OP could be a bully and worded this fml to favor them self. Either way, you should still report this OP.

vadaaa 11

But either way, this kid should not have a "hit list". Obviously the kid has more people on his list, and I doubt they are ALL bullying him. Just look at kids who shoot up schools. They often kill people who did nothing to them, like the boy at Columbine (I think) who shot a mentally retarded kid who everyone described as a "big teddy bear."

kitten1323 19

I hate when people say "They cant ALL be bullying" Yes, they all can. I got bullied by more than 50% of my grade. Bullying isn't that rare. Kids are assholes. I didn't exactly make a "hit list" but I had a list of people I wish would get bitch slapped by karma. When you're bullied by a huge group of people and have no friends its understandable to be angry at those people. Op could very well be a bully (which I find very likely.) I've had bullies sit with me just "to be nice" and then if I told them to **** off they'd play the "I'm just trying to be friendly" card.

Kitten you sound like you might be refining your own list as we speak .... I was bullied but a hit list is an extreme overreaction

kitten1323 19

Too bad I specifically said that mine wasn't a hit list. 1. I never wanted to kill anyone 2. I never wrote it down I merely would think of a name and hope that one day karma kicks their ass. So how about you learn how to read?

vadaaa 11

81- I understand that all of them could be bullying, I said I DOUBTED it. That doesn't mean its not happening, I just question it. I understand that you got bullied. That's terrible, I'm very sorry about that. And i can understand someone hating the people that bully them and hoping karma bites the bullies. However, it isn't normal to have a hit list. And it isn't normal to take pride in having said hit list. So it should be reported before something very bad potentially happens.

dontpanic_fml 32

You are very, very wrong. In 7th grade, I, a loner, befriended another outcast sort of kid who I realized as the year went on was disturbed. She eventually revealed to me (among other things) that she had a hit list. I was the only person she knew that wasn't on the list, but my best friend was and she was amazing, harmless and also a "loser" like us. So, no, there doesn't have to be a reason for OP to be on the list, and like people are saying, there's no excuse for having a hit list.

Batman and joker pops into my mind here...

Good advice from Dane Cook: Give him a candy bar every week. Then when he finally does go nuts and start hunting people he'll change his mind about you and simply whisper, "Thanks for the candy".

Met a kid like that once. He had a list of everyone he hated. Tell someone OP before something tragic happens.

I have a hit list people don't go threw with them I know I won't but I have every one with nick names my friend named her list love list .

vadaaa 11

well that comment just wasted 30 seconds of my life

You know what you don't have? Commas and periods.

18 - You and your friend need to talk with a counselor about this.

This is not funny, nothing to joke around about. Quite frankly, I'm disappointed.

MaydayParadexx 18

Well what have you done to him in the past? Because I'm sure there's a back story to this.