By silvercity09 - 26/05/2009 03:04 - Canada

Today, was my sister's and dad's birthday. I accidentally mixed up the gifts I got for them and my dad ended up with a vibrator. He wasn't very happy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 009
You deserved it 64 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm rather concerned that you were even getting it for your sister... A rather "close" relationship you two have is it?...

Could of been worse. Your dad could have been happy.


ahahahah #6 pretty much said what I was thinking.

bobertnoodle 0

Um, how is this gross? How do you know it's a man buying his sister a vibrator? It could be a girl and if it is than that's not weird at all.

floydian1486 0

what did your sister get? a fleshlight?

flyingheads7853 0

Thats something you get for your girlfriend....not your sister.

#11 are you retarted? if hes referring to her as "his sister" than doesnt it normally mean that your related to them in some way? either way its ****** up

First of all you deserve this and shouldnt a vibrator be a present from hm....your sisters boyfriend than again if she had a boyfriend i guess you wouldnt need to give her that now would you?

That means your sister got the Fleshlight?

Lol, okay. If it's sister-to-sister, I honestly don't find it that weird. Usually it's as a gag, and the comments on this I find hilarious. I mean, grow up. Most of the people commenting are probably an only child, are not close like that with their siblings, or some whiny 12 year olds.