By silvercity09 - 26/05/2009 03:04 - Canada

Today, was my sister's and dad's birthday. I accidentally mixed up the gifts I got for them and my dad ended up with a vibrator. He wasn't very happy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 009
You deserved it 64 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm rather concerned that you were even getting it for your sister... A rather "close" relationship you two have is it?...

Could of been worse. Your dad could have been happy.


Where did you all get the idea that it's a "he"? It's not said anywhere. I thought it was a girl. Anywho, I can't even begin to tell you how stupid you must be. You didn't even think for a bit to at least choose a different gift wrap?

haha @ #1 yeah man, what kind of person gets their sister a vibrator, that's one ****** up family

FreedomFirst 0

Eeewww, you got your sis a vibrator? That's nasty.

hayhen 0

Everyone calm the **** down, Would you think it was odd if someone would buy their best friend one? My sister is my best friend, I would find it extremely funny. #157, "****** up family"? No, that is a close family that has no shame in their sex life.

who said it was a brother? jesus christ people if it was a sis-to-sis its prob just a joke gift

uthinkucandraw 0

Ew wtf? Legit thats Nast... OBVI

I hope you're not a dude, even if you're a girl that's still weird.