By silvercity09 - 26/05/2009 03:04 - Canada

Today, was my sister's and dad's birthday. I accidentally mixed up the gifts I got for them and my dad ended up with a vibrator. He wasn't very happy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 009
You deserved it 64 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm rather concerned that you were even getting it for your sister... A rather "close" relationship you two have is it?...

Could of been worse. Your dad could have been happy.


#59, I ment about their sexual relationships and sexuality. This is not creepy, you are obviously not close enough to your siblings, or don't have any. My stepmum is an only child and she dosent understand why one minute you fight yet 2 seconds later you'd still do anything for them.

who ever said that the OP was ever a guy or a girl?? You all are implying that "he" is a guy when the OP could have easily have been a girl which I think is a lot more likely. and if it is a girl then it's just funny. I know girls who buy their friends vibrators are jokes.. It's not perverted at all. You guys need to chiiiilll.

Polionixon 2

Good point #18. I agree with you.

thelonelylurker 0

Wait a sec. Why is it okay if the gift is coming from her sister but not her brother?

LOL @ #3 "flying ****" haha, oh btw ******* dumbass way to go having the same wrapping for a vibrator and whatever u got ur dad -_- kinda sketchy

bonafidehustler 0

I don't understand why so many people are assuming the OP was a guy. I figured it was a girl. A sister getting her sister a vibrator isn't a big deal, I don't think. A brother getting her one is definitely creepy, but I'll give the OP the benefit of the doubt.