By silvercity09 - 26/05/2009 03:04 - Canada

Today, was my sister's and dad's birthday. I accidentally mixed up the gifts I got for them and my dad ended up with a vibrator. He wasn't very happy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 009
You deserved it 64 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm rather concerned that you were even getting it for your sister... A rather "close" relationship you two have is it?...

Could of been worse. Your dad could have been happy.


Problem easily avoided by putting a card with the person's name on the box...and why is everyone assuming this is a guy? I would think if it was a guy it'd be ******* awkward as hell at the shop where he bought the thing "'s for my sister" "yeah buddy, it's for your sister ;-)"

i don't give a damn if the person who posted this is her brother or her sister, it's still really ****** up to buy a vibrator for you sister.

marlux 0

....... you could have put a thong and that is worse

DStro 0

Who in their right mind would buy their sister a vibrator..?

why would you get your SISTER a vibrator in the first place? /:

I REALLY hope you're a girl, otherwise that post just went from a little creepy to nearly incestuous.

bonafidehustler 0

#110 is an idiot. #117: I'm pretty sure a vibrator is worse than a thong.

Some people have families that are open about this kind of thing. I'm a girl, and I'd get my sister a vibrator as a funny gift. Honestly, even if my dad opened it by mistake, we'd all be a bit embarrassed but we'd certainly find the humour in it and laugh it off. The thought of the OP being a guy didn't even cross my mind.

yankeessuck, I really hope you were going for the whole irony thing, because if not, you're truly unintelligent, and your screen name only enforces the stereotype about people from the south being stupid.