By girlgirlinsanity - 25/07/2010 11:09 - United States

Today, when my girlfriend woke me up, she said, "I just had the sexiest dream." Thinking she was feeling frisky, I started to try to fool around with her. She pulled away and said, "Well it wasn't about YOU." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 555
You deserved it 5 777

Same thing different taste

Top comments

amayakitty 0

wow, what a bitch, she should've kept it to herself, then.


partygirl14 0

ok so that was ur girlfriend and ur a girl... ok w/e

haha what a bitch why even say anything?

you do realize there is a difference between discipline and abuse right? well ******* USE IT

jadeasian 0

WTF this is soo made up.... unless ur lesbo... ur a total girl it even says that on ur profile

PurplePigeon 0

#56 is the OP. Enough said.

No_STreSS_fml 3

haha, ATleaST She Was BeiNG HonesT :/

Oh snap! You're going to need some ice for that burn! Though Kate Beckinsale is pretty fine and I would probably have a 'sexy' dream about her too, if I had just watched Underworld!