By BerkeleyBiker - 19/04/2011 08:23 - United States

Today, while enjoying a nice dinner out, I observed a homeless man giggling hysterically to himself while wiping boogers on my bike seat and handlebars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 365
You deserved it 3 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow, I would have giggled to myself has I made up some story to the cops and had him hauled away.

CateXOX 0

It adds extra grip- he's doing you a favor.


Who the fuq rides a bike to a dinner date

johnnybagodonuts 2

you should've gone outside to eat your dinner right in front of him. then offer him the last piece, eat it yourself and get the hell outta there cause he's probably gonna chase you

Maybe if you spent your money on a car and ate in more often, you wouldn't have a booger bike.

jenaandtyler4eva 0

tell him that here's a doller and go make that mcdonalds meal last and at least I got a home and food cause what he did is not right

lmaoatall 6

so obviously you didn't see him wiping his bare ass on your seat? that was funny too!

xoxoMEGANxoxo 13

lol I couldn't help but laugh on this one...

anyone ever stop to think that she maybe one of those types of people that rather own a bike instead of everything that comes along with owning a car? especially the gas prices these days. pretty sure they are high out in cali. not having to gas a car might be how she can afford to go out to eat at a nice place. although the ops idea of a nice place could be something pretty simple such as a coffee shop...