By Anonymous - 01/03/2011 17:32 - United States

Today, while getting it on with my boyfriend, I decided to be spontaneous and do something sexy. I started taking his underwear off with my teeth. My teeth dragged over his shaft, and my braces cut up his foreskin in the process. Now he's not talking to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 758
You deserved it 62 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm surprised you didn't get pubes caught in your teeth

braces and penis do NOT mix. poor guy.


I feel bad for you. he should understand you were trying to be sexy despite the pain he'd be in.

Did you have to pick it out of your braces..?! FY mouth.. I mean life.

eww u kno Wat is so desirable to women to put their mouth near dicks while havin sex dicks rly aren't dat well good looking... anyways I suggest u keep ur mouth away from ur husband/boyfriend pants until u get those braces off

doesn't matter what you do; braces are NOT sexy..

When do people learn that when you've got metal in your mouth, you do not go anywhere near someone's genitalia with that mouth!

kportal69 5

a couple things... 1. it is NOT sexy to pull a guys boxers down with your teeth. hence why that's really left for girls to be done to. 2. everyone knows braces + genitals = bad things happening 3. I not blame him for not talking to you. it's not like you were giving him head. you ****** that up big time. I wouldnt talk to you either. 4. NEVER ATTEMPT THIS AGAIN.

jon7688 7

if you're young enough to have braces && him not talk to you after that happened, you shouldn't be having sex

icantthinkofgood 5