By f.a.t. - 04/10/2013 08:20 - Australia

Today, while in bed, my boyfriend pointed to my stomach and said, "Bad fat", then pointed to my boobs and said, "Good fat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 614
You deserved it 7 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when I would have pointed to him and said "Bad boyfriend!"

That's when you do the "good head, bad head" with his penis and his actual head.


Point to him and say "big dick" and then point to his penis and go "little dick".

usernaaame 4

Idiot. If you lose weight, your boobs will get smaller. You can't take fat off where you'd like, when you burn it off it will burn off whichever fat it chooses. If he likes the boobs the way they are, he better not be making fun of your weight.

That's when you point at him and say "Bad fat." The. Point at yourself and say "Good fat" and kick him to the curb.

points to boyfriends dick, "bad dick" points to boyfriends best friends/brothers dick, "good dick"

why are you fat is the question, dont go blaming the guy, his telling u what he wants, if you cant deal then dump the guy

you should point at his **** and say 'little dick', then point at his head and say 'huge dick'

Roflmao. Ahahahahahaha I can't stop laughing. This is funny. Also, you may need to go running

I would have pointed at myself saying 'single girl' and pointed at him saying 'single guy'.