By Baileyy - 01/03/2011 23:18 - United States

Today, while pensively thinking up my next awesome Facebook status over dinner, I finally came to the conclusion that I need to get a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 181
You deserved it 41 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your NEXT awesome facebook status? Yeah, somehow I doubt that you ever actually had anything close to an awesome status. So, what did you make of it? "Chicken and peas for dinner today!!! lol,jk jk, it was actually chicken and carrots!!11!"


I actually peed my pants when I read this, its so funny and abrupt

I also think in terms of status updates n wondered if other ppl did too lol. I can't even remember when there was no facebook or statuses:)

if a lack of a life is your biggest problem, you should be grateful you have such small problems.

i never thought there would be someone who would REALLY think of something to post in their status until now

woodenbo89x 4

I was gonna say "I agree, your life sucks", but then I realized, you have no life TO suck, so you totally deserved it.

SuperLeap_fml 0
sexykatmeeeeow 0