By stelssy - 26/01/2013 05:03 - United States

Today, while reading in the bath, I accidentally switched the shower on. Not wanting my book to get soaked, I threw it out of the tub. When I got out of the tub later, I found it had landed squarely in the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 265
You deserved it 12 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oj101 33

Well, it looks like your plan to keep your book dry went down the toilet. Literally.

Instead of just turning the shower off again...


In Soviet Russia you get 50 shades of gray wet.

RocketNinjaFish 12

As a fellow book reader, I can imagine how much that would suck :( But still, you have to admit it was a pretty good shot :)

Why were you reading in a bath?!?! I would read in the living room, bedroom, toilet. But never in the bath

you read in toilets? and you really think reading in a bath is the weird thing?

YDI for being a girl and not keeping your toilet lid closed. That's disgusting. Every time you flush microscopic urine partials get all up in your bathroom. Your bathroom should be the most hygienic room in your house besides your kitchen!

Bunny21 11


Who leaves the lid open??? Says the guy with all girls...