By thoughtidseenitall - 02/02/2013 01:01 - United States - Englewood

Today, while trucking, I got stuck in traffic on a congested highway. After 15 minutes of mind-numbing boredom, I glanced down at the car beside me, only to witness the driver changing her tampon and flicking the old one onto the highway. I can't unsee this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 481
You deserved it 4 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1215116a 14

At least it wasn't in her mouth.

taniamw 9

How are some people so unhygienic? I just don't understand!


HopeInBama 5

Omg... there are no words for this!

TrackGirl19 29

Gotta do what you gotta do.. Sorry you had to see that OP, but sometimes it must be done.

Pretty off topic but I've always wanted to know this. How do truckers do what they do? Don't you need to drive cross country all day every day or some crap? How do you do it!? Lots of red bull?

you guys do know it dangerous to keep a tampon in too long? there is a possibility that this girl needed to change it and because she was in traffic, couldn't get to a bathroom.