By thoughtidseenitall - 02/02/2013 01:01 - United States - Englewood

Today, while trucking, I got stuck in traffic on a congested highway. After 15 minutes of mind-numbing boredom, I glanced down at the car beside me, only to witness the driver changing her tampon and flicking the old one onto the highway. I can't unsee this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 472
You deserved it 4 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1215116a 14

At least it wasn't in her mouth.

taniamw 9

How are some people so unhygienic? I just don't understand!


the_awesomest_ 6
lettuceGO81 12

I am by no means defending this foul, shameless woman...but truck drivers often look down and stare at women like a big, juicy piece of sexy meat, I'm kind of glad a driver witnessed something nasty for once. Irony is a bitch!

Vidimus 13

Dear LORD, OP. I am sorry for your poor eyes.

Have you seen the video of the girl sucking her tampon?

squideth 18

21 how the **** is touching a box of unopened clean tampons awkward at all? Or are you one of those insecure boys who are scared of feminine products?

Did she happen to fling it at a vehicle that cut her and her husband off ?

Being up higher than the cars, how are you at the right angle to see another driver?