By Amey - 04/05/2009 09:09 - United States

Today, while watching TV, I danced, sang along, and helped Dora the Explorer get to her grandmother's house. It was the most fun I've had all year. I'm 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 331
You deserved it 29 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perfectwinds 0

Dora's awesome. Haha. If you plan on having kids then you'll fit right in. May I suggest babysitting? =P

I used to have a lot of fun watching The Doodlebops :D. There's nothing wrong with being 21 and watching Dora The Explorer :)... the problem is it being the most fun you had all year =[ lol.


sniperwill0 0

theres nothing wrong with watching dora.....we all have a kid inside of us =).

propelks09 0
One1Two2Three3 0

Hahahahahha that's ****** awesome if you ask me!

I don't blame you! I'm 18 and have an 8 year brother who adores dora, and sometimes I find myself wanting to sing along and learn spanish!! lol!!

fely_fml 0

#35 LMFAO Dora= Delicioso

#147 I bought a pack of Dora stickers for my niece and in one of them she had a megaphone. Yeah. It's been done.

nsforever138 0
meow_mix26 0

#123, ffpoisongirl, you're retarded. this guy did not sing and dance at his grandmother's. He helped Dora get to HER grandmother's. on the show. duh. also, the dude who posted this, you are my hero. Dora is freakin epic. no shame with Dora if its fun, its fun. enjoy the other shows on the treehouse channel! :D

all you people who posted that you like dora must sing this song really loud in your room: all aboard the fail boat the failboat was failing failing,failing the failboat failed. you were the boat I FAIL AT LIFE when ur done post an FML saying you did it