By Amey - 04/05/2009 09:09 - United States

Today, while watching TV, I danced, sang along, and helped Dora the Explorer get to her grandmother's house. It was the most fun I've had all year. I'm 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 331
You deserved it 29 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perfectwinds 0

Dora's awesome. Haha. If you plan on having kids then you'll fit right in. May I suggest babysitting? =P

I used to have a lot of fun watching The Doodlebops :D. There's nothing wrong with being 21 and watching Dora The Explorer :)... the problem is it being the most fun you had all year =[ lol.


how bout u get a life? go see a movie get outside the house go see ur friends do SOMETHING.

supercoolperson 0

THAT'S SO CUTE! I'd most definitely be your friend.

I remember my friend telling me he had the most fun all year watching Dora the Explorer... It was sad until I learned he was having sex with his girlfriend on the bed while the show was playing. I can't look at a Dora backpack in the same way again.

AnaMaree 0

#7 is a loser. If you don't help Dora, she will come and find you. She will.

fmylifegirl 0

awww i think im going to be you in a couple years.

aw how cute x] haha i can be so childish too - well, i am most of the time, rofls. LOL @ #151 you sound awesome =]

@#2, thugbert: I would just like to take a sec and point out how ironic it is for you to tell someone to 'get a life,' while you have visited FML close to 90,000 times and have posted 213 comments. kthx