By rioght onnn - 20/05/2011 19:38 - Canada

Today, while working at a restaurant, an elderly lady stuck my tip in my back pocket as I was walking away. I wish I knew this before I'd thrown her to the floor for touching my hiney. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 929
You deserved it 43 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, elderly or young, female or male, I don't blame you at all.

it doesn't matter, her hands shouldn't have been anywhere near your butt.


towboater198425 6

who the **** says hiney? are you twelve?

Baddd idea. You could get your restaurant in a world of trouble.

oh man we got a tough guy... did you punch a 2 year old in the face for smiling at you too? your amazing -.-

you threw an old lady to the ground just because she touched your backside? geez, take a chill pill.

Well I suppose since OP is male and it was an old lady that touched his ass, this is OK, but if an elderly man touched a woman's that is just HIGHLY a no-no. wtf people! If you don't know the person, you don't have a right to touch anyone without their consent.

The FML is not that someone touched him, but that he threw her to the ground and felt bad about it immediately after. Which could have been prevented by not reacting violently in the first place, when a "Ma'am, please don't touch me." would have sufficed. So, yes, I would still say "YDI" if it was a young woman/older man. You don't get to go around beating people up because they do something you don't like.

Killerturtle 11