Tough shit

By c.m.g. - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I was taking a dump in a porta-potty at a fair. I had the runs really bad. All I have to say is that it's tough to take a shit that seems never-ending while other people outside are bitching at you and hammering on the flimsy door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 589
You deserved it 3 937

Same thing different taste


You should have just let loose. Groan and grunt too. That'll get them to back off.

well I bet it stank for the next person to use it! lay backs a bitch!

marissakmnn 0

Eh, my city's sewerage system is only just functioning again in my half of the city after being broken since late February. The closest portaloo to our house (when we got one - before that it was a long drop) was a five minute walk and you had to wear a dust mask to go outside. All the portaloos were on the side of the road, including some at extremely busy intersections. And there was always the risk that there'd be an aftershock while you were letting one loose. Now we have the height of luxury - a chemical toilet! Which is much harder to poo on because of the lower height and smaller seat (something about angles, I guess). I've pretty much lost sympathy for minor toilet hassles and embarrassments...