Tradwife blues

By AnonWife - 22/01/2014 01:16 - United Kingdom - Scunthorpe

Today, my husband and I are sick. He keeps whining about how bad he feels. I'm just as sick, as well as 7 months pregnant. I've not only been taking care of his whiny ass: I've cooked, cleaned, and gone to the store several times because the tissues we had were too rough on his nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 668
You deserved it 9 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just leave him alone for a few hours and he will realize that life indeed can be tough. Teach him a lesson. If you don't do it now you might never get a second chance.

colton_colton 50

Good for you for being the bigger person!


don't do that. you have to take care of your baby, for god's sake!

No one wants to listen to you complain. You married this guy and you're about to have his child, how is this in any way not your fault?

thatgirl0625 5

Youtube "Man Cold"... it will explain all.

kinda doesnt help your case by babying him , he will feel like he can get away with it everytime then . the nice thing would be for both of you to look after the other , not have it all fall on the one person. I hope you get better soon op.

They really should invent some easier way to say that. . . oh wait.

poisongirl708 11

Sounds like you married a pussy.

why is this being downvoted? For once, pussy is said in a no-cat FML

JoeyJaws68 18

Not to mention you can't take medicine.

I give you major points for getting all that done in your condition and I have to agree that he's being nothing but a big baby about it all. I've got a heart condition, seizures, and memory issues but still manage to take car of my kids and my wife...yes I do get 'whiny' after a seizure or collapse but I get my butt up, clean up any mess I made because of my issues, an then carry on with the day. Good luck OP. Def. FYL.

I'm glad there's at least ONE guy out there who takes care of shit instead of having their mom--I mean wife--do it all for them.

I'm sorry you both feel so bad, but WHY are you taking care of his 'whiny ass'?! Tell him to get his own damn tissues!