By Anonymous - 23/05/2013 07:24 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/05/2013 07:24 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/08/2009 14:50 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/10/2018 15:30
By AloisTrancy - 24/10/2019 22:00
By terribob1 - 08/07/2016 14:52
By Anonymous - 25/10/2012 20:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/08/2023 10:00
By Anonymous - 26/01/2013 01:04 - Australia - Brisbane
By Kan23 - 26/01/2016 03:37 - United States - Altus
By bipbip - 12/11/2008 07:53 - France
By BanaNacakE92 - 10/07/2023 22:00
It's a mans world...
Strange; I thought the gender ratio worldwide was 1:1.
*shrugs* #24: There are more women than men in certain countries, and more men than women in others. I'm talking worldwide ratio, since #13 said it was a man's "world".
Yes, and Perdix was right in his claim that there are more women than men worldwide. Percentages are like 50.26% and 49.74% or something.
It was sort of a joke with the assumption based that a male sexually harnessed her and the boss is also male.
The world population of men/ women is 49%/ 51%. Women live longer and are also less susceptible to certain genetic diseases due to the fact that women have more genetic information on their second "X" chromosome than men do on their "Y" chromosome, hence the slight dominance of women in terms of world population. Just thought I'd add my two cents.
Well I suppose I stand corrected. Thanks, guys, for setting me straight.
Sexually harnessed her for what activity?... Rock climbing? Sky diving? Sex swinging?
In reply to #40...
Am I the only one thinking OP could be one of those paranoid bitches that maizes every stranger that talks to her?
To be honest, I think people overreacting to "sexual harassment" can be a problem, and by that I mean someone throwing a fit because they overheard a sexual joke, or something like that. But a responsible employer would still address the problem, ie having a discussion with all the people involved and/ or convening a meeting between a manager and all parties involved. It's completely stupid to suspend someone because they filed a sexual harassment complaint, even if it is frivolous, because that just discourages people from filing a legitimate sexual harassment complaint, and sexual harassment should be a problem that employers seek to dispel from the work environment. And, to make matters worse in this particular situation, they fired the employee who filed the complaint. My guess is that she filed it against someone who had so much influence in the company, that they fired her to avoid confronting that person, which, if that is the case, needless to say, is just plain wrong.
Can I point out that the, uh, "paranoid bitches" don't start out that way? If the last 20 random stranger men who 'talked' to you did some variety of: yelling 'NICE ****/ASS' out of car windows whilst honking their horn, backing you into a corner and invading your personal space, grabbing at your body, politely asking you out until you said 'sorry, I'm not interested' and then yelling 'F*** YOU YOU UGLY FAT D*** W**** BITCH C***", you're not really going to risk it with the 21st random stranger guy even if he is, in fact, a decent chap who only wants directions to Sainsbury's. Oh, and all that shit's happened to me. It stopped five months ago which funnily enough coincides with when I started presenting as masculine. Don't complain about "paranoid bitches" when it's your gender who made them paranoid.
Although I'm from Canada , I'm pretty sure that if you talk to your labor board and file a complaint as well as seek legal action you will win big time . No employee ever deserves to be treated like this .
Your first clue that you worked for assholes: They suspended for filing a sexual harassment claim.
Some places will suspend both parties in an event of an investigation (think police departments). Likely to help avoid manipulation of possible witnesses by either party. Such a policy on its own isn't necessarily a bad one. However, firing for reporting an incident is protected by most Western countries.
This is definitely grounds for a lawsuit. Wow.
Fight it, OP.