Up it goes

By 0stvn0 - 16/03/2012 01:18 - Canada

Today, my doctor booked me in for an STI test. I was feeling confident until he explained it will involve having a catheter inserted into my piss pipe. He shook his head sadly and said, "Gonna be honest Steve, the pain's beyond belief." Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 764
You deserved it 5 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side....nope, nothing's coming to me.

It's worth it. You're being responsible and safe.


They aren't kidding about the pain. I screamed like a little girl. See if they can't inject lidocaine up your urethra first. It makes it much more tolerable.

Wow I didn't know guys had to go through all that. Yikes! But seriously, suck it up. Girls get cramps and have to push out a watermelon after 9 months. A small tube in your pee-hole is nothing.

kleopath 11

You don't HAVE to do anything. Having children is an option.

FoxRacerGirl7 7

I like how you referee to babies as watermelons. It made me laugh haha.

kmarie7823 7

Agreed kids aren't a necessity. On top of having cramps, the bleeding and all the other things women deal with they too have to use catheters. They are made for either gender to piss.

It can be uncomfortable but not painful (unless you rip it out with the balloon inflated)

Women's urethra are about three inches long and straight. Men's go back twelve or more and curve. It's an entirely different ordeal.

FMLshark 12

Well, better that than him lying about how "amazing" it feels. Otherwise, intense feelings of disappointment and uncalled-for pain would ensue.

That's one sadistic doctor. In our medical office they don't even use a swab anymore, just a clean catch urine.

Doctors don't arbitrarily order procedures for the satisfaction of witnessing their patients writhe in pain. Dependent upon the circumstances (i. e. the STD for which is being tested, the structure of OP's private parts in obtaining the sample, and the possible underlying issues), this may be the only option and last resort OP's doctor feels is applicable to the situation.

Yeah all of the checks I've had have just been blood and urine, also do cholesterol, blood sugar and whatever else at the same time.

rathyen 7

Actually, for std's, it's not a clean catch urine. You can check for gonorrhea and chlamydia both with a "dirty" urine sample. They actually want the goo hanging out on the junk. The only reasnonto use a swab (not a catheter) is if they've urinated in the last three hours or the doctor is a prick who likes playing with penises.

its not that painful ive had it before ur bowels let go so if ur holding a shit its coming out lol

fourthfloor 3

Do you have incontinency problems? Never heard of a bowel movement caused by a urethra/bladder endoscopy.

-_- Wow. Just wow. -_- ... Also, you forgot your take on this hurts yourself because people think different about you now. Feel srry for the guy like seriously. You have other problems that hurt too I would believe.

I work in a virology lab and can't think of a single test, std or otherwise, that NEEDS cath...I think your doctor is ******* with you. Any std I can think of is first catch for clamidia and gonnoreah (I'm a shit speller btw) and midstream for a urine culture(bacteriology, not std)

His doctor is either 1) a sadist or 2) into feeling up men's penises or he could 3) specifically hate Steve's guts. I'm leaning towards 3... Sry Steve!

Haha poor Steve. His doctor must be just ******* with him.

What STD are they checking for that can't be done with a urine, swab or blood sample instead? Ouch!