Up it goes

By 0stvn0 - 16/03/2012 01:18 - Canada

Today, my doctor booked me in for an STI test. I was feeling confident until he explained it will involve having a catheter inserted into my piss pipe. He shook his head sadly and said, "Gonna be honest Steve, the pain's beyond belief." Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 764
You deserved it 5 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side....nope, nothing's coming to me.

It's worth it. You're being responsible and safe.


Oh god it hurts just thinking about it, good luck bud

Yeah I had a catheter once and it was super painful...and I'm a girl! Fyl

bigtaytay 13

It may suck, but it's better to be safe and be tested. Good for you :-)

You should try the old school "Ream-N-Scream". When I was 18, I decided to get checked to be on the safe side. At that time, they shoved a q-tip into your urethra and acted like they were mixing cake batter with a wooden spoon. Easily the 2nd most excruciating pain I've ever felt. #1 pain was taking a 48" bungee cord straight to the ol' beanbag, hook first, from full extension. Lemme tell ya, that kind of pain will make you see God.

It's what you get for not using protection. Idiot.

That's what you get!!!! Enjoy!!! YDI!!!

I had an STD presentation from a nurse practitioner and she said they don't do that anymore.