We finally made it

By Depression... - 10/10/2012 06:01 - United States

Today, I had my first orgasm. Unfortunately, it was during breakup sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 183
You deserved it 9 133

Same thing different taste


I'm sorry op, but now you know what you like and how to achieve great sex! Many women go their entire lives without experiencing an ******. Take this and learn!

Tookie22 5

"Many?" Jeez that statement is depressing. Ladies out there... How much truth behind that statement?

That happened to me once...the good thing was, it was the best he'd had too and he couldn't get it again

Sorry to hear that Bro. You really should choke the chicken

Bro? . I dont think SHE has a chicken to choke champ.

53- I'm sure she can find a feed store, they sell chickens where I'm at. I mean, I'd prefer to just chop of their heads and get it over with so I can start cooking.... But to each their own, I suppose.

RedPillSucks 31

Gah! I was thinking "choke the chicken" was a metaphor for what to do with the ex, then I read the "chop their heads off" comment. I suspect that would be going a bit too far.

Awkward if you separated because he wasn't pleasuring you!

lelo007 11

That sucks, OP. Maybe take some time for some self exploration and build on what made you ****** during your break-up sex. You can carry it over to your next relationship and hopefully have an ****** on a regular basis.

lelo007 11

Well sure, but I believe that would fall under self exploration :)

perdix 29

Don't worry, you'll have more orgasms with the next guy. If not, you can always dump him and come during the break-up sex again.

lelo007 11

But what about when she gets a husband, and assuming they never get divorced, would that mean she will never have an ****** with him? Oi, that'd be an unfortunate married life.

Maybe he can just yell "I'm dumping you!" to get her off?

lelo007 11

That'd be interesting role play! Whatever would float her boat, though :)

Breakup sex? The only time I've ever heard of it is when guys are trying to get it as a joke. I've never heard of a chick actually doing it...

devore504 7

I don't get why people have breakup sex.

devore504- I truly don't either, you know because some people just think or know they will NEVER get back together and they might have enjoyed the sex, so they have it one more time before the seperation. I don't know I was just guessing.

I can sort of imagine it if you break up due to reasons beyond your control (e.g. one partner having to move to the other side of the world for whatever reason). Otherwise I don't get it either...

RedPillSucks 31

Or perhaps she's questioning why people would debase themselves to have sex with someone they just broke up with. Sure, if you're a sleazebag who only thinks of sex... but what's in it for the other person? (besides the sex, of course)