
By smth - 06/07/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, I was babysitting. The kids were thirsty, so I poured them both a cup of the green juice I'd found in a jug in their fridge. They downed it in a flash. It wasn't until later on after I'd poured myself a cup and taken a sip, I realized I had given them margarita mix. The kids are 4 and 2. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 361
You deserved it 58 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dimkims 0

I think that would kind of be the parent's fault. If the kids are that young they shouldn't just have it sitting in the fridge. Though, it is partially OP's fault also. Who gives kids random green juice from the fridge? Shouldn't you have at least tasted it first?

truslide 0

margarita mix has no alcohol in it. Its just concentrate. they are fine


PollySighDevil 0

How do you not look at a label before pouring a drink... I don't randomly drink any green juice i find, why would you pour it for someone else, especially kids!! YDI

lol. what happened to the kids?? they went to long sleep???

It's totally the parents fault. I mean, if I see a jug of green juice, I'm going to think it's Kool-Aid. If the parents have it left in their fridge, the kids could get it themselves. Was it just the mix? Or was there alcohol in it? If it was just the mix... you just gave them a sugar rush.

margarita mix doesn't have booze in it, you putz.

haha you rock iwish i hada babysitter like you

haha you rock i wish i had a babysitter like you when younger

deaditegirl 0

YDI for giving them an unknown liquid without bothering to check what it is. Also, margarita *mix* is just the mix- it doesn't have alcohol in it. Idiot.

fretforyerlatte 0

i dunno, i kind of blame the parents. not that there's anything wrong with having some margaritas when you have kids, but if someone is coming by to watch them, as a parent you really should give the sitter a heads-up, "hey, that green stuff in the fridge is booze, so make sure you don't give it to the kids!" lots of times kids drinks are in unmarked pitchers. for example, kool aid, or juice made from frozen concentrate, etc. i know i would recognize margaritas when i saw them, they are rather neon, but not everyone would, i suppose. hope the tequila wasn't already in, but if not, it's just a "whoops" moment, not really a big deal.

OP didn't read the label because there probably wasn't one. "Jug" rather than "bottle says to me that it was in a pitcher or something rather than a labeled bottle. Which also could mean it was already mixed in with the tequila. It's definitely a parental fail if it was mixed, because who leaves "green juice" in a jug in the fridge with a babysitter coming to watch their young children? I would have assumed it was some sort of Kool-Aid thing too. If it was just the mix, no big. If it had tequila, YDI. I think.

Wow you should know what you're giving them before you give it to them. You could have just gave them water.