You tried

By dumped - 26/07/2010 23:48 - United States

Today, I was in the shower and I heard my boyfriend walk in. I struck my sexiest pose and when he came in, he looked me up and down and told me, "You look like my mother." Thanks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 676
You deserved it 5 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ew! How would he know what his mom looked like in that pose? O.o


ydi for posing like on old lady or you just look like one plain and simple. then you gross

Arsonnist 3

If your sexiest pose looks like his mom, then your worst pose must look like his dad.

misstamz 0

he knows what his moms sexy poses are? eww

I am sorry, misstamz... are you offended by smth or smbd?

gummibloo 0

Ooh that means he's seen his mommy nekkid

gabbielove 0

WTF?! has he seen his mom naked?!? awkward....

that's pretty disturbing, WTF is he doing looking at his mother naked? gross

I'm sure he was talking about the stupid pose, not the naked part. also, stop doing those poses. you all look like attention deprived idiots when you do them. not sexy or attractive, just dumb...

bakingstuff 0

28 you've got way too much time on your hands. little kuriboh ftw

Were you posing like you were about to fetch him a sandwich?