You tried

By dumped - 26/07/2010 23:48 - United States

Today, I was in the shower and I heard my boyfriend walk in. I struck my sexiest pose and when he came in, he looked me up and down and told me, "You look like my mother." Thanks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 676
You deserved it 5 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ew! How would he know what his mom looked like in that pose? O.o


Hmm... if the girlfriend reminds him of his mother (from her "sexy" poses or whatever) doesn't this imply he's attracted to his girlfriend because she reminds him of his mother? Isn't there something in psychology about this?

jchansfan 0

Eww... Well... Sigmund Freud was a big advocate of that theory, however I think Freud was a little weird there and was trying to insist his weird feelings were natural... A lot of his evidence was very flawed, most notably Hamlet. He tried to use it as an example, but what he said was very interpretive and contestable and it was evident he had misinterpreted several of the scenes vital to his theory... =/

jchansfan 0

LOL@JFGI... That's a terrible thing to tell someone too Google, they obviously did not know the theory's name... and searching "attracted to your mom" or or anythinhg of the sort on a dirty search engine like Google(seriously you can search innocent stuff on Google and get nasty results) just comes accross as a bad idea... lmao... I knew the term was Opedius complex or something of the sort, I just felt like keeping it brief... Besides it doesn't hurt to ask questions... expand the discussion and what not... :P

BananaSticker 0

Because he's the most ultimate awesomeness. Duh.

jchansfan 0

I don't see it. Anyone that goes around calling people "fails" for no real reason can't be that awesome... :P

jchansfan- You shouldn't be rude to banana. He's a great source of potassium.

That is disturbing on so many levels.

BananaSticker 0

well that's because you don't know him as well as I do. So, yeah. Enough arguing with the almighty banana sticker. It's a known fact you automatically lose in an arguement with me.

jchansfan 0

How am I being rude? I suppose I challenged/questioned their "authority", however I do believe it was done very politely... :P

Well I suppose you weren't being rude but you did say someone whom you don't know isn't awesome. I don't know them either but that is kind of rude. it would hurt my feelings anyway.

BananaSticker 0

Doesn't matter if you were polite, you still cannot disrespect my people. Buuutt. I'm nice so I'll give you a sticker for being nice about it. :] You shoulda seen what I did to the last guy that copped an attitude with me. Not a pretty sight, I tell you.