By Doritos - 17/06/2010 08:06 - United States

By Doritos - 17/06/2010 08:06 - United States
haha there should be no 'ydi' for this one!!
kick him out
why screw up good doritoes
that's ******* hilarious ^^ you should get revenge - one day he'll 'lose' his playboy, and never see it again :)
hahaha that's nasty . I wouldnt eat those now ! :)
who chokes it with a condom on anyways, he must of ran out of your socks
who uses socks?!
that's funny lol his socks
woulda been buddy beatup time. that's gross and shows a total lack of respect for you and your things.
I would have ripped up his Playboy. Kicked him in the balls. Made him eat the used condom. Washed his whole head in the toilet. Then made him buy me new Doritos. In that order. Just sayin'
because his roommate is an inconsiderate jerk. that's why this is an fml.
you should **** in his shampoo
OP should take his playboy hostage until he buys you new doritos!
NOOOO!!!!!!! Soiled doritos, burn the poor things before they explode's his dick taste?
lol I love your answer the most :D
WTF 5! That's disgusting!!!
5 - haha it's funny u say that when you look at ur picture
Dorita's new line of chips, a torrent of cum flavor!?
not like he ha his semen on his hands. He used the condom. Have you not seen I Love You Man?
The Mafia was looking for a new man to make weekly collections from all the private businesses that they were 'protecting'. Feeling the heat from the police force, they decided to use a deaf person for this job. If he were to get caught, he wouldn't be able to communicate to the police what he was doing. Well, on his first week, the deaf collector picks up over $50,000. He gets greedy, decides to keep the money and stashes it in a safe place. The Mafia soon realizes that their collection is late, and sends some of their hoods after the deaf collector. The hoods find the deaf collector and ask him where the money is. The deaf collector can't communicate with them, so the Mafia drags the guy to an interpreter. The Mafia hood says to the interpreter, "Ask him where the money is. "" The interpreter signs, ""Where's the money? "" r The deaf replies, ""I don't know what you're talking about. "" The interpreter tells the hood, ""He says he doesn't know what you're talking about. "" The hood pulls out a large gun and places it in the ear of the deaf collector. ""NOW ask him where the money is. "" The interpreter signs, ""Where is the money? "" The deaf man replies, ""The $50,000 is in Central Park, hidden in the third tree stump on the left from the West 78th Street gate. "" The interpreter says to the hood, ""He says he still doesn't know what you're talking about, and doesn't think you have the guts to pull the trigger. """
OMG! #2 is smokin' hot !!!!
To #43: FML is for small anecdotes of funny, sad, or gross things, not just "my life us ruined". stop you want **** in ur chips???
112, i laughed for 10 minutes. your sense of humour is truly appreciated. :D 46... i'm also glad you clarified exactly why the guy wouldn't need a condom if you'd been there, we would all be clueless if you hadn't explained it. thank you ever so much.
5 I think you eat to many doritos
why would he need a condom lol
who loathes you? :O with your dazzling sarcasm.. :P
yeah im with number one,you watched hem doing it so you wont eat those,be happy you didnt ate them
10-Eintein watch " I love you man" and that that tells you why thru would use a condom for jerking off lol.
oh my.
Whats the problem? surely the whole point of his using the condom was that he doesnt need to wash his hands, sounds a bit gross i know but if you think about it...
Haha so true!!
deeeeelish! ;D
Why would he use a condom to jerk of?
Xanax say ahhhh open wide ;)
200 wins
#84 and 90 LMAOOOOOO!!!
Think about it, cum flavoured Doritos!! Mm.. :p
u jus gave me a boner
not 'lose' his 'playboy'? *evil laughter*...
Easy clean up.
Maybe he was trying to avoid a messy clean up by jerking it with a condom on idk still that's just wrong on so many levels
Cody1992, That Icon Is ******* Nasty. Why Wouldd You Even Have That.? And Lmfao @11
JeffGoesRawr: Your Capitalization Is ******* Awful. Why Would You Even Capitalize Every Word?
oh I know I hate that irishjanedoe. I feel like we would be good friends haha. There's another girl on here that capitalizes every word too.
*hate that, Irishjanedoe Not "hate that irishjanedoe". whatever I'm tired. I was trying to say I hate the capitalizing not Jane
Ha! It's ok, I got what you were saying :)
Hahaha that was good. :D I agree with you on that, I think people try to overcompensate on their lack of intelligence by Highlighting Every Word. Pahh.
I Love Capitilising Every Word I Type Itz Sow Koo!
(I hope you know I was joking) Gah, Anti-Flood strikes again!
136 as funny as he'll what?
I would **** on his bar of soap in the shower so when he washes his face you can start calling him cum beard.
bwahahaha! creative revenge I feel sorry for anyone who pisses you off.
If I were a guy, I'd make a bar of soap with ****. But since I'm a chick, I'd make one with a used tampon in the middle.
lol so gross! and really sad...
who ever said that he was masturbating?
25, what else could he possibly have been doing with a condom and a payboy in the bathroom?
*playboy although I don't know why anyone would ********** with a condom on, but that is clearly what he was doing
Maybe he lasts longer that way, so he gives himself a more pleasurable experience. >.<
It's already lubricated and it catches all of your ****. I can understand why a man would do that. Although, depending on how often you **********, it could get expensive. And what if you need one for sex and you're out because you used them all on yourself. Wait, what am I saying, he's not going to have that problem.
so he wouldnt **** everywhere!!
and he had a condom why?
Get revenge. **** in his milk.
that deserves an ass whoopin!!