By brittbrat4 - 13/08/2011 06:51 - United States
Same thing different taste
Rite of passage
By tortilla - 28/11/2020 16:58 - United States - Petaluma
By Anonymous - 16/02/2012 19:41 - United States
They hated her because she spoke the truth
By Anonymous - 21/08/2021 06:01
Kids these days…
By Anonymous - 13/04/2009 02:39 - United States
By girlmeetsworld - 18/02/2009 23:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/11/2012 13:59 - United States
You little knob
By keelah - 27/06/2014 21:57 - United States - Montgomery
By Anonymous - 29/12/2010 03:20 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/08/2013 04:48 - United States - Las Vegas
The nickname that sticks
By boobswerehere - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Reno
Top comments
Is that a new fighting attack?
why didnt you just yell "testicular cancer" and kick him in the balls? getting punched in the boob hurts.
Getting kicked in the balls hurts more for sure. Especially on a little kid. :/
How do you know? Unless you have both, do you?

16 getting hit in the boobs is worse. Guys usually fake the pain. Unless they're truly *******.
It actually does really hurt to be hit in the balls… if u tap a guys balls he'll keel over to keep from throwing-up but a girl tapped in the boob doesn't care
#32 The pain associated with trauma to the testicles is a natural defense meant to get us to protect them. The testes are responsible for producing sperm, thus they are a requirement for the survival of the species. The testicles have the highest number of pain receptors in the body, due to that unique defense mechanism; guys are instinctively protective of them. Getting hit in the testicles can cause several different symptoms: • Vomiting – the sudden jolt of nerve-endings can cause you to lose your lunch. • Loss of consciousness – the intense pain has caused some people to pass out. • Muscle spasms – testicular torsion requires a trip to the emergency room. • Testicular rupture – means the ******** will have to be removed. • Infertility – testicular trauma can affect sperm production temporarily or permanently. • Ruptured blood vessels – can cause the scrotum to fill with blood, requiring medical draining. The more you know, the less you sound like an asshole, 'pussy'.
32 - When you get hit in the boob do you feel it in your stomach? I'd say balls hurts more.
#16 Oh come on, getting hit in the boobs doesn't hurt that much, unless you're on your period. We don't writhe in pain like guys do when they get kicked in the balls.
I got hit in the breast and a painful lump appeared there. It was burn if someone else hit me or pushed hard on it.
Can we all stop saying " Getting hit there hurts less then getting hit here?" Getting your boobs punched friggin hurts and getting kicked in the balls hurts like hell.
ive had friends that got ball tapd so hard that they threw up so I'm very sure getting hit in the jewels is worst that the ****.
there is absolutely no pain worse than a hard kick to the balls
Except for your fist. (brofist!)
37- thanks to you now I feel the need to put something protective around my balls. :(
You try having balls and getting em kicked. Even if its a little tap it feels kinda like you have been shot.
132 What about pushing a rock your penis? Id say that hurts a bit
#132 thank you. Labor is a bitch!
you would have both
Y'all have no idea what you're talking about. Taking a shot to the balls hurts like hell and people squeeze ****. If someone squeezed my balls once I am able to get up I'm going to kick their ass. So ladies, even if it hurts don't complain
Bitch, get back in the kitchen unless YOU want some "breast cancer"
@37 - breasts are also vital for reproduction (or well, used to be before bottle milk) so that's not really a foolproof argument :p
192, you're ******* stupid. Can you reproduce with breasts? Can you fertilize a female's egg with breast milk? Do the children of women who have implants die because they can not breast feed? Go shut the **** up you idiot.
Seth (street fighter): SONIC-BOOB!!!!
That was his version of "HULK SMASH!".
FALCON PUNCH!!! Edit: Dammit, someone already said it before me.
You guys look stupid.
I love lamp.
KAMEHAME*slap* GO TO HELL JEFF!!! Get it? ge... ah nvm
haha that's hilarious, don't make kids mad!!! omg well deserved!! :P
I gave u a thumbs up cause of ur pict
I thumbed you down because your comnent is irrelevant see it went from -1 to -2.
At least he didn't start groping op.
atleast it wasnt a falcon punch..
:O that's just wrong!!!
Still think the kid deserves to be punched in the face.
And this, children is the story of how breast cancer began and made everyone in the neighborhood walk 5ks once a year.
spelling fail xD
Haha uber Falcon Punch!
P-P-P-P-POWER PUNCH!!!!!!!!!!
the new version of falco punch
FYL, but only just. Surely everyone knows the failsafe way to give a twelve-year-old the ***** is to tease them about having a crush on someone.
Its super effective!
OP flinched!
OP sent out Left boob
Ouchhh. o x o"

That was his version of "HULK SMASH!".
Is that a new fighting attack?