By Anonymous - 21/01/2012 14:22 - United States
Same thing different taste
Fully relaxed
By Anonymous - 19/01/2025 20:00 - United States - San Francisco
Treat Yourself Day (derogatory)
By mindy - 24/12/2024 09:00 - United States
Knock out
By Anonymous - 25/02/2020 14:00
By anonymous - 12/03/2012 08:03 - United States
By spitty - 14/04/2015 21:50 - United States - Willoughby
By bcoper - 20/02/2010 14:03 - United States
By BangBangBzzz - 15/12/2015 22:01
Third degree
By Anonymous - 10/07/2021 06:01
By person - 26/12/2010 17:59 - Jordan
By crazycatlady1890 - 02/05/2019 18:00 - United States - Philadelphia
Top comments
Not so relaxing after all! Sorry OP
"Grown Ups", anyone?
I would have chose a hot tub
OP wat made you change you'r mind?
Rock on op! That's so hot ;) Relax, the guys working there were probably stoned, soothey ought to be punished. With your luck I'd stay away from acupuncture. Hopefully my pointless little massage will reach you before its too late. :)
75 The puns, please make them stop.
I'm surprised no one's said, "sue" yet.
18: I know this is dumb but what do you mean by your comment. I feel stupid for asking but it went over my head and I couldn't catch it.
That **** deserved to be burned. Only fags go to spas
103 Shut up. First of all, you don't know it was a male. Second of all, men go to spas all the time. Nice job showing just how ignorant you are.
Ya good call she is a dumb bitch
105 I hope you get modded.
Ur a ******* retard
110: lol fat ass
Keyboard warrior: y do u support gays?
110 thanks I haven't seen or heard of it lol
It's near the beginning. During a massage, Rob Schnieder drops a hot stone on his elderly girlfriend's back.
I kinda thought of Final Destination 3..
Well.. U said u want hot stones..
yesss! You should've jumped in a mud pool OP :) -xo.
Usually Id assume no pain no gain didn't apply to relaxing but I guess that's what happens when you assume.
My Translation for what #2 said is: In most scenarios, I would say the commonly used phrase "no pain, no gain," but said statement doesn't apply when taking a relaxing massage. On another note, bad things happen when you assume, although OP didn't assume in the FML, I thought like I should share that thought with you.
Like my grandma always said, 'assuming' makes an ass out of u and me!
Or any incident where people could potentially sue and get money
Y u no like comment?
^ also i heard that the specific store that it happend at was complained to over 15 times about their coffee being way too hot. Then again you shouldn't hold hot coffee by the lid (let alone any liquids). Honestly that would have been an interesting case to attend because there were many factors to it.
179- allowed*
#157- a massage therapist performs hot stone massages, not an esthetician... Op- any legal massage therapist carries liability insurance, especially if they work for a big corporation such as massage envy. Talk to a lawyer to get financially reimbursed for the damages the negligent therapist caused. You can also file a complaint with the state licensing boards.
150 - The McDonald's incident caused 3rd degree burns resulting in damage through the skin down to the muscle throughout the woman's pelvic region and thighs. Keep in mind, there are four degrees of burns (four being the worst), so you can imagine how severe it was....and if not you can google it if you aren't convinced. 186 - The woman was holding her coffee between her knees while the car was pulled over and attempting to remove the lid to add creamer and sweetener; not by the lid itself. There is a documentary that goes into this case as well as others called, aptly, "Hot Coffee".
True. I do find giving a facial to be quite relaxing.
I give great facials
96, you're whack. It's better an old man something like that to a young girl?
Actually, second degree burns are the most painful, because third degree kills some of the nerve. Second degree is just enough to make it extremely painful but not enough to kill the nerve.
I had 2nd degree burn on my face, and they hurt like hell. And that was the only thing so far that made me double over in pain in my life!
Peach3 - that would be true except for two things: 1) you rarely get JUST a third degree burn. There is usually a surrounding rim of second degree burns as well. 2) Second degree burns (except the deep second degree burns) heal spontaneously, while third degree burns need to be excised and often require skin grafting.
I agree with Peach on this. Not only does it kill off nerve endings but the pain from the non-burned nerves often sends you into shock do you aren't as aware of the pain.
Evilplatypus - no. Just no. Read what I wrote before. And the fact that you said "sends you into shock" tells me that you don't know what the **** shock is. This isn't a matter of opinion - it's fact. Don't try to make it sound like you know what the hell you're talking about when you don't. It pisses me off when people spread medical misinformation.
Wow Doc, you seem to be a real pleasant person. I wasn't referring to circulatory shock, but acute stress reaction known in the psychological field as "shock". One of the primary symptoms of acute stress reaction is a dulling of perception and stimulus response. I.E. it lessens your ability to feel things. Perhaps YOU should know what YOU'RE talking about first. I on the other hand just got second degree burns two weeks ago in a sautéing accident and was told BY THE DOCTOR that third degree burns are accompanied by more pervasive issues (the frequent need for grafts and the higher risk of infection) however, second degree burns hurt worse for a less amount of time as opposed to the pain from third degree burns which are less intense but for a longer term.
Platypus, I'm a ******* trauma surgeon who specialises in wound care and did clinical research on burns. I know more about the physiology of burns than you could possibly imagine. So I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, jackass. Just because you got a burn doesn't make you any kind of expert on jack shit. All your doctor did is confirm exactly what I said. Pure third degree burn are rare. Most of the time there are elements of second (and first) degree there. Jesus ****, learn to read. Now stop arguing before you look REALLY stupid.
How did my doctor "confirm" your post? He said 2nd degree was MORE painful, they just didn't last as long. I trust the word of MY ER doctor, who has cared for my firefighter grandfather and uncle every time they've gotten burned or smoke inhalation over some random person online. Besides, Peach and I were talking about 2nd degree burns versus 3rd degree burns. Not 3rd degree burns accompanied by 2nd degree burns versus 2nd degree burns. And after only two minutes on google search, I found quite a few medical references that agreed with me and Peach that 2nd degree hurts worse than 3rd (some said you might not even feel anything with 3rd degree because the nerves are dead [as I've already stated] or because the victim is suffering from psychological trauma [as I've already stated].
READ MY ******* POSTS YOU ILLITERATE MORON! I've stated now twice (now three times, since you didn't seem to pick it up the first two times) that PURE third degree burns DO NOT HURT. But the chance of having a pure third degree burn is very low, and most of these patients have second degree burns which DO hurt. Do you ******* GET THAT NOW? I've taken care of dozens of burn victims, and I can guarantee you the third degree burn patients are in MUCH more pain than the second degree burn patients, not to mention the eschar excisions and skin grafting they have to go through. I don't claim to be an expert on everything, but THIS is a subject on which I have a tremendous amount of expertise. Your arguing with me is futile.
man I was going to like this, but doctors always ruin things
Medical Flamewars: Nothin' but a Ph.D thang
O.o wow. Ive seen doc angry but not THIS angery! I have a question for the doc though; i HEARD that your not supposed to put 2nd and 3rd degree burns into water right after the burn. I wasnt told why, but thats what they taught in high school health back in the day. If you shed some light on this, id apreciate it
Actually, running the burn under cool (NOT COLD) water is exactly what you're supposed to do. It helps to stop the burn from deepening and helps with the pain. Part of my research was showing that burns can continue to deepen for several hours after the heat source has been removed. This can transform a first degree burn into a second degree, second to third, etc.
Ok, but what happrnds if you run it under ice cold water? This is really interesting cause i burned myself yesterday and was on the subject. (it hurt, but it didnt seem that bad so i didnt do anything and now its the size of a penny and pus started coming out)
Oh and when i first burned myself there the SMALLEST mark. I accidently touched a hot latern for a tenth of a second so thats why i thought it wouldnt be what it is
Ice can make it worse. Never ever put ice on a burn.
... What?? Please finish your sentance
*Sentence. Damn autocorrect
Why would autocorrect change it to a word that doesn't exist?
Wouldn't it be please start your sentence?
41-maybe it's because he's spelled "sentence" wrong so many times that autocorrect has given up.
Ugh, I accidentally thumbed you up.
I thumbed him/her down for you. :)
Already handled by the guy 4 comments above you. So you can chill.
Oh burn :)
I find second degree burns very relaxing.
But once the blisters heal, imagine how soft and supple your new skin will be on your new legs. They did you a favour!
Kind of a favor, except for the part where she was screaming in pain
No pain no gain.
28 - think positive
Doc, I think you should write OP some extra pain prescriptions ;)

Look on the bright side could be third degree burns